Welcome to the Urban Culture course at Avila University created by Susan Lawlor and Dotty Hamilton.  We travel with our students to great cities to explore art museums, engage with the architecture, study the local film and music venues, and experience the ethnic enclaves as a way to learn about the culture of urban spaces and the interaction of art and environment.  It's a fun, intense learning environment.  

Friday, May 15, 2015

Contemporary dance at Studio Hydro-Quebec

In a true of example of what "urban culture" is all about, we wrapped up the day's festivities with two contemporary dance performances: The Neck to Fall and La Synesthesie du Dragon. Many of the group were faaaaaaaar out of their comfort zone, but remained good sports and a captive audience. Many enjoyed sharing their interpretations of the two pieces post-performance.

1 comment:

  1. Ok - the group can blame this one on me. I love contemporary dance, and, yes, it does challenge the viewer. Yet it also inspires to think of how many different ways movement and music can be interpreted by an artist.
