Welcome to the Urban Culture course at Avila University created by Susan Lawlor and Dotty Hamilton.  We travel with our students to great cities to explore art museums, engage with the architecture, study the local film and music venues, and experience the ethnic enclaves as a way to learn about the culture of urban spaces and the interaction of art and environment.  It's a fun, intense learning environment.  

Monday, May 14, 2012

Marci and Dotty Have Arrived with 20 Avila students!

7 hours on the train - then a quick bus ride - checked in at the Travelodge Downtown - whew - now to enjoy Chicago.

1 comment:

  1. The biggest learning experience was finding our way around Chicago the first few days. By the end of the trip it was pretty easy to use the subways and buses, but it was an interesting experience at first. A little piece of advice; get on and off the subway swiftly... you don't want to be the one person still on the subway when it takes off again.
    -Kara K
