Welcome to the Urban Culture course at Avila University created by Susan Lawlor and Dotty Hamilton.  We travel with our students to great cities to explore art museums, engage with the architecture, study the local film and music venues, and experience the ethnic enclaves as a way to learn about the culture of urban spaces and the interaction of art and environment.  It's a fun, intense learning environment.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

An evening at the Cinematheque Quebecoise

Tonight, a series of animated short films at the Cinematheque Quebecoise.  Amazing, considering the films dated from 50 years ago or so.  Themes of lost love, military might, the conflict of difference, the power of music and kindness, and the loss of the soul.


  1. The animations were by far my favorite! While they were playing, I was really confused and trying to capture the meanings of each film. Now that I have been home and thought about all of them, I've realized how clever and funny they were! I even looked up on the Cinematheque website to find the name of the films so I could show my family them: most importantly E! It's amazing how an author can create emotions and formulate a story without any words. I also liked how in the films such as "Booom" and the film with the shapes were made so lightheartedly even though the issues were real and had caused a lot of tragedy. I was also intrigued by the claymations made; the movements were kind of creepy and unsettling.

    Sky R

  2. These films were quite the eye opener. Each of the shorts had an underlying message to them. Almost all of which have some part in the world still today. The animations were all satirical and took some part in making fun of the way society is, but in a way to teach a lesson. The filmmaker was definitely using these animations as a way to speak out to the world in a time that was in need of someone to do so. The amazing part is that he did so with the use of barely any words. The fact that someone can create such a message in this way is awesome. My favorite film had to be the one with the soul. The message of it to me was one that teaches a person how to carry themselves through life; with confidence. Always wear those confidence glasses and people will see you as much bigger than you are.

